WordPress Hosting & Care Plans

Keep your WordPress website running at optimal performance with our battle tested hosting, speed & security stack. Our care plans are designed to keep you online! Packages from just $70 + GST per month!

Supercharge my website
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Protect your investment

A website without an ongoing management plan is a website that’s been left to die. Let us do the heavy lifting so you can spend your time running your business.

  • Fully managed service
  • Your website secured - properly!
  • Speedy loading times
  • Powerful high frequency servers
  • DNS management included
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Laser Focused on WordPress

It's no secret, we love WordPress! We have tailored our entire stack and our care plans to provide maximum performance & support for the WordPress ecosystem.

WordPress Management

We’ll regularly run software updates on your website to ensure it remains up to date. Our monitoring system will check every five minutes that your website is online, and notify us immediately if there is an issue.

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Comprehensive Security

We employ a multi-layered approach to filter out malicious requests and add significant WordPress hardening customisations. Malware scanning is done at server level, which means it cannot evade detection in the same way as it could with a security plugin.

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Content Delivery Network

Your website will be served from the closest PoP (node) to your visitor, reducing load time. Our CDN also filters out many malicious requests, stopping bad actors in their tracks before they even reach your website.

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Need for Speed!

Don’t keep your visitors waiting for your page to load. Every millisecond they are delayed increases the chance of them going elsewhere, potentially costing you in revenue. Our stack is fast! Very fast!


Extensive Backup Routine

We won’t lie to you, things can occasionally go wrong, and when they do, we need to be prepared. We utilise a comprehensive backup strategy to mitigate against disaster.


Plugin Licences Included (Value over $500/year)

As an agency, we utilise a large number of licences for premium WordPress plugins. If it’s within our stack, we’ll utilise our licence on your website for free, reducing your costs. So goodbye to WP Rocket and many of the other plugins you currently pay for.

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Supercharge your website!

Budget web hosting may sound like a good deal, but it's mostly just deceptive marketing. If you want your website to stay online and secure, a care plan is the answer. Let us take care of your website, and sleep easy knowing that it's in great hands.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any questions about our care plans, we'd love to hear them! Please reach out anytime!

Contact us
  • Where are your servers located?

    We have servers in Sydney and Melbourne. On top of that, we utilise a content delivery network to deliver your website content from the nearest node to the user, with over 75 nodes available worldwide.

  • How often do you run updates?

    Typically, we run updates monthly. We monitor security databases for plugin vulnerabilities, and if we are notified of a threat, we will update the plugin as soon as possible.

  • Do you use a firewall?

    Yes, we actually use three! We filter traffic at CDN level, server level and application level.

  • I'd like to move to No Bull Websites, but my website has been hacked. Can you help?

    In most cases, yes! We assess these situations on a case by case basis and will consider the best course of action depending on the type and severity of the hack and the overall condition of the website. We are great at removing malware, but the hole must also be plugged to ensure you don’t get hacked again. Reach out to us and we’ll look at your unique situation and advise accordingly.

  • What plugin licences do I still need?

    Our agency has a comprehensive stack of plugins. If we can reasonably substitute any of our premium licences to replace yours, we will. If your plugin doesn’t fall within our standard stack, the cost will be upon you to maintain the licencing for that theme or plugin.

  • If my site is on No Bull Websites, do you guarantee for it to be not be hacked?

    No. We will never make that promise, and anybody who does is lying. There are many, many types of hack out there, and whilst we can mitigate most, some of them may come down to user error, or may be unpatched, known as a zero-day vulnerability. For instance, if you log into your website from an unsecured network or your device has been hacked, we cannot be responsible if somebody intercepts your session cookie and logs in. However, our systems will prevent and clean malicious code almost instantly.

    Also, if your website is running on outdated software, such as an old version of PHP, or has outdated premium plugins that you won’t licence, or plugins that have been abandoned by the developer, we cannot reasonably deem it completely secure.

    In the highly unlikely event that you did get hacked and our system couldn’t stop it, we will initiate disaster recovery plans, which may include restoring backups or cleaning out the malicous code. This is billable at our current hourly rate.

  • Can I have access to the hosting?

    No. This is a managed service for which we run our own servers. We don’t utilise cheap shared hosting platforms such as GoDaddy or Crazy Domains. Also, we do not use cPanel. We operate on the principle of the lowest privileges required only. This helps us to keep the environment as secure as possible. We will provide access to WordPress at your request.

  • How much do your care plans cost?

    We have care plans starting from just $60/month + GST. Reach out to us, and we will tailor a quote based on several factors, including:

    • Website size
    • Website traffic/bandwidth
    • Website age
    • WooCommerce and payment gateway support
    • Advanced speed optimisation
  • What about SSL Certificates?

    We include SSL certificates powered by “Let’s Encrypt” at no extra charge.

  • Are website edits included?

    Website edits are not included. We charge these either by scope for large edits or by hourly rate. Please contact us for more information.

  • Can I have video on my website? Will it be fast?

    Yes, we can add video to your website! For anything that has high traffic, or needs to play automatically such as a video background, you will need to utilise our dedicated video content delivery network. This is priced at just $5/month plus $0.20 per GB of video streamed.

    This allows us to load the video from an optimised video service separate from your website, reducing the size of the page and ensuring a fast load time.

  • Do you provide Email?

    We include our Email API within our care plan service for emails generated by the website. This is solely for transactional emails, such as contact form submissions, notifications, and purchase receipts.

    We DO NOT supply business email services and recommend that you utilise a third-party provider such as Gmail, Zoho Mail, or Microsoft 365. Setting up and maintaining these services is not within the scope of our services, but we are happy to add the relevant DNS records for you.

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